Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Begining...

So, I arrived in Auckland Monday morning after a long turbulant flight over the Pacific Ocean. My host family-Michael, Kristin, and Abigail (the baby)-picked me up from the airport. A security guard at Auckland International Airport broke off the wheels on my suitcase when he lifted it to put it through a security screening. I have to admidt I am sad about the suitcase. It has been my companion for almost all my travels for two years. Anyways...I am living with Michael and Krisitin in a house where the bottom half is the church office and the top is their home. So basically I don't have to go very far to go to work-which is good considering I'm almost always late for things. I like being in a country where I can drink their water from the tap...its quite convienent. In case your wondering the time change is 15 hours ahead for those of you in California and 17 for my Chicago friends. The first night I slept like 15 hours so I'm pretty much caught up on the time change. I drank my first Marlo (I think thats how you spell it) which is like a type of hot chocolate and I am learning the difference between NZ and American words. For example the word Lollies are Candy and Biscuits are Cookies. This week I am getting acclamated to New Zealand. I am going to Youth night, which is the teenage youth service. I am working with a team of three people in production. This week we are beginning preperations for up and coming projects. So its its been a good couple of days....and I'm looking forward to more


  1. Tiffany!!! I am so glad to hear that you have arrived safely and are settling in! Praying for you, Miss Irvine! and I love you a ton!


  2. Yea Tif!!! Glad to hear you had a safe trip and we will pray for the suite case replacement. Have a great time learning all that tech stuff as God's plans for you are unfolding right before your eye's. Tell Michael and his family thank you from the Holderread's for allowing God to use them to bless your life as a hosting family. Take care, All our love, Kevin,Tamme H.

  3. Awesome. Keep us updated Tiff.

  4. I am so glad you are safe, I knew you would be fine. I miss you already but I am so proud of you and happy for you I can't wait to read and hear all about it from you. I love you

  5. I'm sooo glad you made it!!! that's sad news about your suitcase though... I'm praying for you!
